Monday, May 21, 2018


My heart feels like it doesn't belong in my chest. 
I should let it out to wander on these melancholic nights.
Bring me the freshness from the air outside and the deepest tone of evening thunder.
Fetch some lightness from the dark and set it loose to glow in my veins.
Surely there is joy in the stillness, but I don't know where to find it.

This Place

This place is for the emotions I can't find words for to explain. 
This place is for when everyone else would wonder how I got depressed and worry about my gloom and give advice to cheer me up and then be satisfied or triumphant or I-told-you-so when I inevitably emerge from this place back to myself or what they see as me.
This place is not always where I come.
But I know when I come 
That I will find some relief.