Sunday, July 21, 2019

Domestic Bliss in Neon

My skin tingles and
my eyes dance and
my thoughts scream into the void
with the joy of joy. 

I have you and
I have her and
we are us and overflowing
with all I ever wanted.

I can't imagine more than this.
We are made of bliss.

Monday, May 21, 2018


My heart feels like it doesn't belong in my chest. 
I should let it out to wander on these melancholic nights.
Bring me the freshness from the air outside and the deepest tone of evening thunder.
Fetch some lightness from the dark and set it loose to glow in my veins.
Surely there is joy in the stillness, but I don't know where to find it.

This Place

This place is for the emotions I can't find words for to explain. 
This place is for when everyone else would wonder how I got depressed and worry about my gloom and give advice to cheer me up and then be satisfied or triumphant or I-told-you-so when I inevitably emerge from this place back to myself or what they see as me.
This place is not always where I come.
But I know when I come 
That I will find some relief.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Guest Post By Shakespeare

How heavy do I journey on the way,
When what I seek, my weary travel's end,
Doth teach that ease and that repose to say,
'Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend!'
The beast that bears me, tired with my woe,
Plods dully on, to bear that weight in me,
As if by some instinct the wretch did know
His rider loved not speed, being made from thee:
The bloody spur cannot provoke him on
That sometimes anger thrusts into his hide;
Which heavily he answers with a groan,
More sharp to me than spurring to his side;
     For that same groan doth put this in my mind;
     My grief lies onward, and my joy behind.


Monday, December 7, 2015

The Present

I feel really raw, really present. More so than I can ever remember. But it isn't like they all say. The present drags on. It doesn't give any gifts. I make up crafts for myself to do so that I can notice the time passing and the seasons changing. I buy groceries and try new recipes, only to throw out food because time won't pass fast enough for me to get hungry enough to eat it all. No one comes to me to stay. I am present, alright. Like the axel of a wheel. Things are happening around me, happening to other people, and I stay put, just connected enough to not be able to complain. What happens next? What happens next?

I can smell tears in my nose. I wonder if I am supposed to cry.

Honey Amber Cloud

If unending honey poured over my head,
Smoothed down my hair,
Flowed over the bow of my lips,
And made of me a relic in amber;
It were hardly more soothing
Or blindly caressing
Or impetuously present
(Forbid me to move!)
Than this golden cloudscape,
This peaceful floating
Of you
And I.