Monday, April 28, 2014

Love Is The Pits*

I have no better words to say than
I Am Confused.
I always thought Love grew
Whole from the ground.
All you had to do was
Find it,
Pick it,
Brush off the dirt,
And take a bite.
Now they say that if you find Love like that,
You will soon be left with a pit again anyway.

It turns out that I have a Pit in hand.
I ate the fruit too fast it seems.
I'm a nervous eater.

And suddenly I see a lifetime of pits (piles and piles)
If I don't plant this One and grow a Tree.

The Fruits of the Earth by Edward Detmold

*apologies for the terrible pun


roses and happiness and children and morning smiles
dark feeling of absence
connection and belief and learning and progression
heart-pounding emptiness
blessings and eternity and work and reward
hollow, empty lies

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sometimes I Am Running

Sometimes I am running,
running towards you with eyes and laughter bright,
pressing you close to me
(you are never close enough),
filling all of space and time.

Sometimes I am skipping,
daydreaming of your handsome face
and crowns of flowers
and names of babies
and secret gardens.

Sometimes I am spinning,
half the time facing the way I came,
getting dizzy
and starting to stumble,
hoping that reality will grip me soon
and hold me fast.

Sometimes I tiptoe,
eyes wide like a doe,
waiting for the sudden danger
that will send me fleeing,
tail up,
to the comfort of the familiar
single solitary world
you are slowly luring me out of.

Sometimes I cannot even open my eyes,
and I am standing still
waiting for the hand
to wind the key
to turn the gears
to break off the rust
around my heart.

But sometimes I am running.

Destinations (Imagined) by Brooke Shaden